Health Supplements - Calcium Supplement


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- Calcium Lactate (L-Calcium Lactate)
- NcCI-Decreased Brine (Saline Lake)
- Casein Phosphopeptide (CPPIII) (from Milk)
- Vitamin D3
1. Unique technology in Japan to produce our product. It is a supreme high quality Calcium, Highly-Soluble form of Calcium and can be absorbs by our body easily.

2. Fortified with Vitamin D3, High Unit CPPIII( C.P.O.P) improves the body absorption of Calcium.
Directions & Dosage
1. Can be consumed directly. 10 to 30 balls for 2 to 3 times per day.

2. Can be cooked with rice. Use 10-15 balls with one cup of rice for standard proportion.

3. Can be cooked with soup. Put 10-30 balls per serving.

4. Can be cooked with any kinds of dishes.
Preservation Instructions
1. Store in a cool, dry place while avoiding direct sunlight.

2. Use within 6 months of first opening.

3. Please confirm the ingredients before taking this product if allergic to dairy products.
When do you need this?
- Children development

- Puberty

- When you have an imbalanced diet

- Menopause

- Pregnancy

- Calcium Lactate (L-Calcium Lactate)
- NcCI-Decreased Brine (Saline Lake)
- Casein Phosphopeptide (CPPIII) (from Milk)
- Vitamin D3
1. Unique technology in Japan to produce our product. It is a supreme high quality Calcium, Highly-Soluble form of Calcium and can be absorbs by our body easily.

2. Fortified with Vitamin D3, High Unit CPPIII( C.P.O.P) improves the body absorption of Calcium.
Directions & Dosage
1. Can be consumed directly. 10 to 30 balls for 2 to 3 times per day.

2. Can be cooked with rice. Use 10-15 balls with one cup of rice for standard proportion.

3. Can be cooked with soup. Put 10-30 balls per serving.

4. Can be cooked with any kinds of dishes.
Preservation Instructions
1. Store in a cool, dry place while avoiding direct sunlight.

2. Use within 6 months of first opening.

3. Please confirm the ingredients before taking this product if allergic to dairy products.
When do you need this?
- Children development

- Puberty

- When you have an imbalanced diet

- Menopause

- Pregnancy

HC19 L 型发酵乳酸钙


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- Calcium Lactate (L-Calcium Lactate)
- NcCI-Decreased Brine (Saline Lake)
- Casein Phosphopeptide (CPPIII) (from Milk)
- Vitamin D3

2. 添加的维生素 D3、大剂量 CPPIII( C.P.O.P) 可改善身体对钙质的吸收能力。
用法 & 用量
1. 可直接吸收。每天 2 至 3 次,每次 10 至 30 丸。

2. 可加入大米中煮。标准比例为 1 杯大米加入 10-15 丸。

3. 可以用汤煮熟。 每份放10-30个丸。

4. 可以用任何种类的菜肴烹饪。
1. 存放在阴凉干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。

2. 在第一次开时的第六月吃完。

3. 如果对乳制品过敏,请在服用本产品前确认配料。
- 儿童发展

- 青春期

- 当你有不平衡的饮食

- 绝经

- 怀孕

- Calcium Lactate (L-Calcium Lactate)
- NcCI-Decreased Brine (Saline Lake)
- Casein Phosphopeptide (CPPIII) (from Milk)
- Vitamin D3

2. 添加的维生素 D3、大剂量 CPPIII( C.P.O.P) 可改善身体对钙质的吸收能力。
用法 & 用量
1. 可直接吸收。每天 2 至 3 次,每次 10 至 30 丸。

2. 可加入大米中煮。标准比例为 1 杯大米加入 10-15 丸。

3. 可以用汤煮熟。 每份放10-30个丸。

4. 可以用任何种类的菜肴烹饪。
1. 存放在阴凉干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。

2. 在第一次开时的第六月吃完。

3. 如果对乳制品过敏,请在服用本产品前确认配料。
- 儿童发展

- 青春期

- 当你有不平衡的饮食

- 绝经

- 怀孕